Jonathan C. McDowell
Space Policy
Reentry effects papers
- Maloney C, Portmann R, Ross M, Rosenlof K, 2022, The Climate and Ozone Impacts of Black Carbon Emissions From Global Rocket Launches, JGR Atmosphrees
- Jain A and Hastings D, 2023, Global Climate Effect from Space Debris Reentry: Engineering and Policy Implications
- Murphy D, et al, 2023, Metals from spacecraft reentry in stratospheric aerosol particles
- Barker C, Marais E, McDowell J., 2024, Global 3D rocket launch and re-entry air pollutant and CO2 emissions at the onset of the megaconstellation era
- ESTEC workshop, Understanding the Atmospheric Effects of Spacecraft Re-entry
- McDowell J., 2025, AAS presentation
- Schulz L and Glassmeier K-H, 2025, Concerning the impact of deorbiting spacecraft to the upper atmosphere