Code | Meaning | Definition | |
LLEO | Lower Low Earth Orbit | height below 600 km | |
LEO | Upper Low Earth Orbit | height 600 km to 2000 km | |
MEO | Crosses MEO protected zone | Perigee < 23282 and apogee > 19682 | |
LoGTO | Geotransfer orbit (low) | perigee below 600 km, height more than 2000, and apogee in range 2000 to 35486 km | |
MGYD1E | Elliptical MEO graveyard orbit region 1: | Peri > 2000 and apo < 19782 and apo > peri + 1000 | |
MGYD2E | Elliptical MEO graveyard orbit region 2: | Peri > 23182 and apo < 35486 and apo > peri + 1000 | |
MGYD1C | Circular MEO graveyard orbit region 1: | Peri > 2000 and apo < 19782 and apo < peri + 1000 | |
MGYD2C | Circular MEO graveyard orbit region 2: | Peri > 23182 and apo < 35486 and apo < peri + 1000 | |
GTO | Geotransfer orbit (medium) | perigee in range 600 to 2000 km and apogee less than 35486 km | |
HiGTO | Geotransfer orbit (high) | perigee less than 2000 km and apogee more than 35486 km | |
GEO | Geosynchronous orbit | height in range 35486- 36086 km | |
XGEO | Orbit that crosses the geosync zone | Perigee below 36086 km and not covered in other categories | |
GGYD | GEO Graveyard | Perigee more than 36086 km and height less than 150000 km | |
DEEP | Cislunar or heliocentric orbit | Height beyond 150,000 km |