Catalog of Space Object Reentries
Statistical summary table - column explanations
The table summarizes how many space objects of each type were, or will be, disposed of
using the given methods. Each row represents a different disposal method.
- Code
A string denoting the type of disposal method, used in the main catalog.
- Desc
Brief text describing the meaning of the code. See the Disposal Codes
page for more detailed explanations of each code.
- Clause
In the US government document `US Government Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices, 2019 Update',
section 4.1 describes different approved methods of object disposal. This column indicates
the subclause in section 4.1, if any, in which this method is discussed.
- PL Disposed
Number of satellite payloads which are no longer actively manuevering or are no
longer in orbit, and which used this method of disposal.
- PL Active
Number of those satellite payloads which are still active and have propulsion
which would count as using this method of disposal if no further orbit manuevers are made.
- RB
Number of rocket bodies which are or were in orbit that use this method of disposal
- Parts
Number of deliberately separated or ejected pieces of a satellite or rocket using
this method of disposal. Debris from destructive fragmentation are not included in this table.
- Total free
The sum of the PL Disposed, PL Active, RB and Parts columns.
- PL Att Disp (Payloads Attached, Disposed)
Some payloads are designed to remain attached to the upper stages of their rockets.
This column counts the number of such payloads for each disposal method. Take care to avoid
double counting, since these cases are also included in the RB (rocket stage) column.
- Total
Sum of the 'Total free' and 'PL Att Disp' columns (and thus, double counting the cases
where the payload and rocket stage remain attached).