Jonathan's Space Pages

Launch 1961 Eta: Ablestar 007

Thor 313/Ablestar 0071961 Feb 22

Launch Result

No orbit circularization burn, and no payload separation signal. LOFTI and III-B remained attached to each other and (according to APL SDO-1600) to the Ablestar stage.

Launched Objects

Note: all the above remained attached as a single object in orbit until reentry.
COSPARJCAT Name AltName Owner Mass/kg
1961 Eta S00087Transit IIIB III-B APL 170
1961 Eta A00085Lofti I Lofti NRL 26
1961 Eta A00084Ablestar 007 AB-007 AF 600?
1961 Eta A00086Tr3B despin weightAPL 0
1961 Eta A00087Tr3B despin weightAPL 0

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