Jonathan's Space Pages

Launch 1976-023: Titan 23C-12 (P74-1)

Titan 23C-121976 Mar 15

Launch Result


Launched Objects

COSPARJCAT Name AltName Owner Mass/kg
1976-023AS08746LES 8 LES 8 USAF/MIT-LL 420
1976-023BS08747LES 9 LES 9 USAF/MIT-LL 420
1976-023CS08748SR 11A Solrad 11A NRL 171
1976-023DS08749SR 11B Solrad 11B NRL 171
1976-023ES08750Titan 23C Stage 2 Titan Stage 2 USAF 2650
1976-023FS08751Transtage 30 Transtage 30 USAF 1950
1976-023GS08752SR 11 perigee motor Star 17A USAF 12
1976-023HS08753SR 11 apogee motor Star 17 USAF 10
1976-023JS08832P74-1 Upper Truss Assembly - USAF 100?
1976-023KS13753P74-1 debris? - USAF

Notes: 1976-023K may actually be GEO debris from another pre-1981 launch.

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