Jonathan's Space Pages
Satellite statistics
Site home
Astronautics home
Launches per year
Suborbital launches
Sats launched per year
Sat/Debris Population - all time
Sat/Debris Population - recent
Sat/Debris Population - vs height
Sat/Debris Population - vs height/inc
Sats vs Orbit Type
Mass range vs Orbit Type
Owner Category vs Orbit Type
Mission Category vs Orbit Type
Pie charts - decadal trends
Reentry stats and data
Post mission life
Satellite constellations
Reentry catalog
Space Statistics
Launches per year (by country)
Suborbital launches per year
Sats launched per year (by country grouping)
Sat and Debris Population vs time
Sat and Debris Population - past decade
Sat and Debris Population - number vs height
LEO Sat and Debris Population - number vs height, 50 km bins
Sat and Debris Population - number vs height and inc
Sat and Debris population vs orbit type
Active sats versus orbit type
Country statistics
LV operator satistics
Active sats versus mass and orbit type
Active sats versus owner category and orbit type
Active sats versus owner country and orbit type
Sats launched per year versus owner category
Active sats versus mission category and orbit type
Cubesat statistics
Decadal trends - pie charts
Reentries per year
Starlink reentries per month
Post-mission life vs altitude
Number of players versus time